Serene Seascape Mural Made from Fishhooks

Cuban artist Yoan Capote uses all kinds of unusual materials to create beautiful art installations. For one of his latest project, Isla, he used around 500,000 fishhooks to build a photo-like seascape mural.
Throughout the years we’ve featured a lot of talented artists with the power of turning everyday objects into stunning masterpieces, and today we’re proud to add Yoan Capote to our ever-growing list. The Cuban artist is famous for the way he manages to take common household objects and create beautiful artworks, but I think his latest creation is also his most impressive one. Named Isla, the 26-foot-wide mural was assembled out of half a million intertwined fishhooks, nails and oil. Looking at it from a distance, you’d think it’s just a photo of the calm open sea, but as you draw near, the secret behind the realistic seascape is revealed. Even with the help of 30 assistants, Yoan Capote took since months to complete his fascinating fishhook mural.
Yoan Capote fishhooks 550x381 Serene Seascape Mural Made of 500,000 Fishhooks
Asked why he chose fishhooks as a medium for his artwork, Capote said “I decided to use fishhooks in this series because I wanted to create a tension between beauty and seduction and danger and entrapment.”
Yoan Capote fishhooks2 550x403 Serene Seascape Mural Made of 500,000 Fishhooks
Yoan Capote fishhooks3 550x366 Serene Seascape Mural Made of 500,000 Fishhooks

Yoan Capote fishhooks4 Serene Seascape Mural Made of 500,000 Fishhooks

Yoan Capote fishhooks5 550x366 Serene Seascape Mural Made of 500,000 Fishhooks

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